Together with his soon to be sister-in-law, Adam gathered a sun-washed yellow blanket, a fizzy bottle of Champagne, and coastal colored pom-pom decor for his shore proposal to Briona. This Arizona couple celebrated their first few hours of being engaged by taking photos with the beautiful Laguna Beach in the background and enjoying each other’s presence and excitement to come.

How did you meet?
Adam and Briona were introduced through a mutual friend. Their meeting was a spark turned flame over our passions for travel and adventurous spirits.
What is your proposal story?
Adam and Briona were staying with family in San Clemente, CA for the month of July. Adam and Briona planned a full “date-day” as he called it. Adam is typically very romantic, so Briona didn’t suspect a thing! They went to Downtown Disney for the afternoon and got a little taste of the special Disney magic. They headed back home for what Adam called “part two” of the date day. When they got home, Adam had to run an errand, but before leaving, he handed her a white dress to wear. Adam came back from his little errand and surprised Briona with a red Corvette Stingray! They drove it north to Laguna where Adam then led Briona to a very special spot on the beach in front of the Montage. There was a beautiful arrangement done by Briona’s sister with chocolates, champagne, pillows and blankets. Once they arrived at the spot, Adam got down on one knee and popped the question!
Tell us about the ring/band.
The ring was found at Shane Co. It is a little over a carat, oval shape with a gold band and near perfect clarity rating. It absolutely sparkles! Briona’s sister helped Adam make the decision. They both felt it was elegant, simple and timeless.
Have you started planning your wedding? What is your wedding date?
Our wedding date is 7.8.2021! It will be at the Tivoli Italian Villa in Fallbrook, CA. We’ve got a great head-start on booking and sorting all of the big to-dos!