Cassidie once said that Austin’s proposal made her feel like they were in their ‘own personal snow globe’ – no words could be truer for their engagement session as well! Even though their shoot was in the midst of the snow and ice in the middle of Montana’s brisk winter weather, they couldn’t have looked happier. The foggy sky covering the snow-covered mountain tops along with the icy teal waters makes this session stand out in such a unique way.
How did you meet?
Austin and I met during the first few weeks into our freshman year of college through friends. We became good friends for the first few months but never found the right time to become anything more. Like all love stories, the inevitable happened and we began dating in February. After the first two years together, I decided to take a different direction in my career choice and went to a different college. We dated for another few years long distance and against all odds, we are now living in the same place together ready to spend this crazy thing called life together.
What is your proposal story?
After dating for 5 years, Austin took me away for the weekend to a natural hot springs in January to get away after the bustling holidays. After a few hours of soaking and chatting with the people we had met, we drove to the Lochsa Lodge in Idaho to have a nice, romantic dinner. The whole place was lit up with sparkling Christmas lights in the snow. As we were walking out, I turned to take a picture of the lodge and to my surprise he was on one knee. As he asked me to marry him, it began snowing with no one around. It was like we were in our own personal snow globe in a winter wonderland.
Tell us about the ring/band.
The ring is a thin, gold band with black hills gold leaves and a stem coming off with rose gold petals holding the diamond in the center. I have always been super close with my family and my grandmother was one of my best friends, but unfortunately she had passed away from cancer when I was in high school. She was never able to meet Austin, but I know she would have loved him! Austin knows how much she means to me and so my mom offered him my grandmother’s ring to propose to me with. My grandparents had this ring custom made later in their marriage getting inspiration from their original engagement ring. Knowing that I have something so unique and from my family means more to me than just another engagement ring. Austin knows me so well!
Tell us about your engagement shoot outfits and accessories.
I am that girl that has her life planned on Pinterest and so I always had a vision of wearing a red flowy dress in a mountainous/outdoors type of place. I got the dress from which has some amazing choices for engagement dresses. I am not the type to get all dressed up so it was nice to dress up a little more for this event. The other outfits are more of what we wear on a day to day basis of being comfy and casual with sweaters and button down shirts. Our photo shoot was during February in Montana, so it was a bit chilly in Glacier National Park, but nothing could stop me from wearing that red dress!