As any true romantic knows, the key to a successful proposal is setting the stage for a memorable moment. And what could be more romantic than a secluded corner of a beautiful botanic garden? The trick is to find a spot that is both private and scenic, with just enough of a crowd nearby to provide some gentle background noise. Once you’ve found the perfect location, simply pack a picnic lunch complete with your favorite bottle of wine, some candles, and perhaps a few flowers from the garden itself. Then, when the moment is right, pop the question and enjoy the rest of your afternoon in each other’s company. Just remember to have your camera ready–this is one memory you’ll want to treasure forever.
As anyone who has ever been in love knows, the heart wants what the heart wants. And for this lucky guy, what his heart wanted was to propose to his girlfriend in a romantic botanic garden. Surrounded by the beauty of nature, he got down on one knee and popped the question. She said yes, of course, and they spent the rest of the day strolling among the flowers, planning their future together. It was a perfect proposal for a couple who loves spending time outdoors, and it’s sure to be a day they’ll remember forever.